A new vision is born
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Strength, power, safety and design
merge, a new era takes shape.

Konner K2 ITALY was born after K1.
K2 was developed by combining generous dimensions, great comfort and refined design with the exceptional technical characteristics of the TK-250 turbine. All our projects are designed with great attention to detail and can be customized to fulfill the wishes of our customers according to the best tradition of the Italian tailor-made philosophy.
K2 Italia wants to raise safety standards. Konner researchers have developed the best active and passive safety systems and integrated them with the style, design and lightness of K2. The carbon fiber fuselage has been designed to ensure energy absorption in the event of a frontal or vertical impact.

Konner K2 & TK 250 turbines
The heart of the K2 is born from the "gas turbine engines" division, also adopted by the Konner K1. The TK-250 turbine, capable of guaranteeing 250 hp, whose exuberance is contained in only 50 kg of weight.
The most advanced technologies come together inside the engine and a latest generation FADEC allows the pilot to exploit its features in complete safety and tranquility.


FADEC: Easy to Fly
The FADEC system allows you to manage easy turning off and on of the turbine by moving the selector to the three designated positions: STOP - IDLE - FLY
STOP: Turbine shutdown
IDLE: Turbine stabilization making it ready for flight
FLY: Increased rotor rpm, making the helicopter ready for take-off
The TK-250 turboshaft engine: a concentrate of technology, cutting-edge solutions, first-rate design software, professionalism, conviction and passion have allowed Konner Gas Turbine Division to develop the lightest turboshaft engine in the world in its category: 250hp concentrated in 50 kg of pure passion. Konner, owner of the construction and design technology of the turboshaft engine, guarantees wide production availability, technical assistance, maintenance and global spare parts management. The turbine works beautifully with DIESEL fuel.


K2 Italia raises safety standards. Konner researchers have developed the best active and passive safety systems and integrated them with the style, design and lightness of K2. The carbon fiber fuselage has been designed to ensure energy absorption in the event of a frontal or vertical impact. The following options are available on the K2 Italia:
Shockproof seats for all occupants, which guarantee energy absorption in the event of an impact;
4-point safety belts, with quick release system even in case of overturning;
Flexible tank in self-sealing material and non-return valves to ensure fuel containment in the event of a collision or overturning;
Hybrid Assistant System, the revolutionary active safety device.
The K2 main rotor is a semi-articulated 4-blade system. The composite blades and the bearingless rotor allow to blend high efficiency in the distribution of the blade profile, low drug forces on the main rotor head, high reliability and long fatigue life components. The main rotor head, components and shaft shaft are made of special aircraft alloys. The elastic elements on the bearing the main rotor head ensure perfect functioning of the knuckle blade during flapping, shading and pitching movements, while ensuring high reliability and low maintenance costs.

Technical specifications and dimensions:
Engine type: Konner TK-250 turbine
Fuel: Diesel fuel, biodiesel, JP-1, JP-4
Maximum available power: 270 shp for 5 minutes
Maximum take-off weight: 2315 lb (1050kg) *
Empty weight: 1058 lb (480 kg)
Tank capacity: 388lb (176kg - 200lt)
Cruise speed: 130kts (173mph 278km / h)
VNE (at sea level): 150kts (173mph 278km / h)
Maximum range: 325nm (602km)
Hovering operating IGE at MTOW: Over 10,000ft
Maximum operating altitude: 15.000ft
Max speed ascent: 2000fpm (610m / min)

RotorThe main rotor is of the semi-articulated bearingless type, with three blades in composite material, the choice of the three-blade rotor is specifically designed to avoid mast bumping, guaranteeing greater safety, stability and speed.
InstrumentationKonner K1 has redundant digital instrumentation, developed on very high brightness displays, uses first-rate data detection systems and guarantees visibility and clarity in any diffuse or direct light condition.
TK-250 turbineThe TK-250 turboshaft engine: a concentration of technology, cutting-edge solutions, first-rate design software, professionalism, conviction and passion have allowed Konner Gas Turbine Division to develop the lightest turboshaft engine in the world in its category:
FADEC: Full Authority Digital Engine ControlFADEC: EASY TO FLY The turboshaft TK-250 is equipped with the latest generation electronic systems that automatically manage the engine for pilot peace of mind. Turn on, fly and turn off the TK-250 with three simple movements of the selector.
HAS: Hybrid Assistance SystemKonner H.A.S. guarantees hybrid support to the TK-250 turbine whenever it needs additional power. The H.A.S. system developed by Konner, it independently manages the start of the electric motor without the need for intervention from the pilot, simplifying the activation system.
Carbon Fiber MonoblockKonner K1 introduces the concept of a monobloc carbon fiber structure to the aeronautical world, an idea widely used in the aerospace and Formula 1 sectors.
Brochure Konner K1-S19Click to download the Konner K1-S19 brochure